Jay Jays, an Australian youth apparel chain, briefed The Suits to create an in-store campaign that will get both consumers and the media talking.

OUR Responsibilities
• Full campaign management
• Strategic planning
• Creative direction
• Through-the-line role out & production
• Online content creation
• Social media app development management
• In-store point of sale design management
The result: we executed a national, interactive in-store rollout that had shoppers reaching for their cellphones to either take photos or interact with the posters by scanning the QR codes. Once scanned, customers would receive their first ever virtual kiss from the smoking hot Jay Jays models. To date, customers have received over 30 000 virtual kisses.
The multi-layered communications strategy included everything from print ads and in-store posters to a social media app in which fans were even able to tag their very own first kisses.
The campaign created an enormous uproar in both traditional media and the online blogosphere, leading to a direct year-on-year sales increase of over 20%.